Physical Education and Sports 

At Exning Primary School we believe that Physical Education is increasingly important for your child's  physical, emotional, social and intellectual wellbeing. Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 receive four hours of PE a fortnight. The Reception Class (Robins) have unlimited access to their outdoor environment all day every day as well as a planned PE lesson each week.

In additional to these planned PE lessons, physical activity and sport take place at other times in school:

  • Daily Mile - each class participates in the Daily Mile at some point during the day
  • In lessons - use of GoNoodle, BBC Supermovers, brain breaks etc.
  • Playtime and lunchtime - our Sports Coach, along with our pupil Sports Ambassadors and MDSAs set-up equipment to encourage active play, this is in addition to our 'Gym Trail' and outdoor play apparatus
  • Sports & physical activity clubs - we run a vast array of clubs throughout the year
  • Competitions - we participate in local and regional competitions
  • Other events - e.g. Bikeability, dance events, 

We have a qualified Sports Coach who assists teachers in the teaching, planning and assessment of PE to support their professional development.  


Physical Education and Sports 

At Exning Primary School we believe that Physical Education is increasingly important for your child's  physical, emotional, social and intellectual wellbeing. Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 receive four hours of PE a fortnight. The Reception Class (Robins) have unlimited access to their outdoor environment all day every day as well as a planned PE lesson each week.

In additional to these planned PE lessons, physical activity and sport take place at other times in school:

  • Daily Mile - each class participates in the Daily Mile at some point during the day
  • In lessons - use of GoNoodle, BBC Supermovers, brain breaks etc.
  • Playtime and lunchtime - our Sports Coach, along with our pupil Sports Ambassadors and MDSAs set-up equipment to encourage active play, this is in addition to our 'Gym Trail' and outdoor play apparatus
  • Sports & physical activity clubs - we run a vast array of clubs throughout the year
  • Competitions - we participate in local and regional competitions
  • Other events - e.g. Bikeability, dance events, 

We have a qualified Sports Coach who assists teachers in the teaching, planning and assessment of PE to support their professional development.